Vidhra Jackiw, LAc

(formerly Alexandra Ricketts)

I approach my work as both an art and a science, but above all, a practice of the heart.

My favorite thing about my job is that, with each client I treat, I get to grow my appreciation for humanity. The way in which nature expresses through human beings will never cease to evoke awe and wonder in me. To paraphrase the genius of Dr. Leon Hammer, we are each fundamentally moved by a desire to stay intact within ourselves, and connected to our living surroundings. From this desire, rich with intelligence and tenderness, comes all health and all disease. When I learned that both states come from the same source, I was forever changed and knew that I was hooked on practicing this medicine for life.

I practice as I learned from my teachers, using their treatment techniques and diagnostic methods, but also motivated by their encouragement to stay in relationship to the moment, myself, and the person I’m treating, allowing each treatment to be a direct and compassionate response to what we discover there.


Some of the tools I use are acupuncture, herbal medicine, manual therapy, and healing song. I also make dietary, movement, and lifestyle recommendations where appropriate. I particularly enjoy supporting people through chronic pain and chronic illness, including IBS/IBD, fibromyalgia, PCOS, endometriosis, Lyme’s, and EBV. As is the case with all chronic conditions, mental/emotional health is crucial to the healing process and I find this work to be very effective at balancing the heart and mind. I also appreciate caring for people along the journey of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum. I love investing in relationships with the people I serve. Our work together is a cooperative project in which we both engage, reflect, and collaborate on decisions that support your health.

Education and Training

Acupuncture: I am licensed by the Oregon Medical Board and certified as a Diplomate of Acupuncture by the NCCAOM. I graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, OR in 2014 with a Masters of Science. 

Herbal medicine: I have the privilege of having studied Chinese herbal medicine at NUNM with both Dr. Heiner Freuhauf and Dr. Joon Hee Lee, and I continue to study with Dr. Joon Hee Lee. I also have a background in community herbalism from my studies at the Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine, with Matthew Wood at the School of Traditional Western Herbalism, and with Scott Kloos at the School of Forest Medicine.

Manual therapy: During my time at NUNM, I studied subtle palpation, craniosacral therapy, and visceral manipulation with Dr. Sheila Murphy, and Shiatsu with Dr. Jim Cleaver. 

Bazi: Bazi is an East Asian calendar science that uses symbols and cycles to understand the subtle forces that shape a human life. In its application it is akin to astrology. I am a beginning student of Bazi with Dr. Jaden Kim.