Herbal Therapy

 East Asian medicine has a rich tradition of using herbs to support the body’s healing process. Herbs are administered in combinations called formulas, designed to deliver therapy effectively and safely. Just as Western medicine has a pharmacopeia of drugs, East Asian medicine has a wealth of formulas that have proven to be medicinal over thousands of years of use. I use formulas almost exclusively from the Shang Han Lun, a flagship herbal text written at the end of the Han Dynasty, around 200 AD.

East Asian herbal therapy is a directional medicine. Herbs are understood to have different directions, determined by their flavor, temperature, density, and other qualities. An herb's direction determines how it will affect the body. If the body is too out of balance in one vector, herbs that move in the opposite direction can help bring it back to the desired balance. Herbs are combined with each other to create formulas that are well-balanced directionally- effective and yet safe. From the perspective of East Asian medicine, this is the mechanism by which herbal formulas heal. Additionally, these herbs contain many biochemical compounds that are recognized as medicinal by modern-day pharmacological standards.

I source my herbs from vendors with very high quality control, to ensure that you are getting the best medicine possible. Herbs are free of contaminants and organically grown when available.